Homeless Services Network, Central Florida Commission on Homelessness announce HUD CoC Builds funding opportunity

Release date: Aug. 19, 2024

Submissions due to application@hsncfl.org no later than Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, at 5 p.m.

For the first time, HUD has published a CoC Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity. This unique grant will support capital costs associated with a project that will provide housing for people referred through the Continuum of Care’s Coordinated Entry (CE) process. For Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties, those referrals will most likely be for people experiencing chronic homelessness, so applicants are advised to apply for projects accessible to that population.

You can review the full NOFO here.

Some highlights of the NOFO and an Aug. 14, 2024, HUD webinar on the program include:

  • The Central Florida Commission on Homelessness is eligible to submit one, and only one, application. That application can be for up to $7.5 million.

  • Applicants may include local governments, special districts, public housing authorities, and nonprofits.  Other eligible applicants are outlined on page 17 of the NOFO.  

    • IMPORTANT NOTES: For-profit developers cannot apply. A non-profit applicant cannot name a for-profit as a sub-recipient. A non-profit applicant can have a for-profit development contractor if the selection process complies with the Office of Management and Budget Super-Circular requirements

  • HUD anticipates making only 25 awards across the country, and HUD's scoring will favor projects that have site control, secured funding, etc.  A project currently under development that is expanded or adjusted to accommodate the requirements of this NOFO, with set-aside units exclusively for Coordinated Entry referral, is likely to be favored by HUD in the selection process.

  • Project start date should be no later than Oct. 1, 2025, and end date should be no later than Oct. 1, 2030.

  • HUD has encouraged conversion of existing structures, especially hotels and office buildings.

  • The project applicant must demonstrate experience with at least four projects of similar scope and size.

  • The project applicant must demonstrate experience managing at least four projects with tenants who had experienced homelessness.

The application process:

  • Interested applicants will submit a completed application as outlined in the HUD NOFO to application@hsncfl.org no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 4. 

  • HSN will facilitate a review/scoring process in which applications are reviewed by neutral parties.

  • The Central Florida Commission on Homelessness Managing Board (CoC Board) will approve the selection of one project for the CoC to submit to HUD on behalf of the CoC FL-507 region. The application must be submitted by HSN as the region's CoC lead agency no later than Nov. 21, 2024.

  • Although HSN is required to submit the application on behalf of the CoC, any contract with HUD on this program will be directly with the applicant and not with HSN.

Interested parties are encouraged to read the NOFO and watch the CoC Builds webinar hosted on Aug. 14 once HUD has published the recorded video. (This post will be updated with the link once it’s available.)

Since this is HUD's first NOFO of this type, HSN anticipates that additional guidance may be published prior to the application deadline and shared with CoC lead agencies. Interested parties are also encouraged to notify HSN of their interest by sending an email to application@hsncfl.org with the subject line “CoC Builds Interested Party” so that HSN can keep all potential applicants updated with relevant information.

Please feel free to reach out to application@hsncfl.org if you have any additional questions.

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida announces fiscal years 2024-2025 FL-507 Continuum of Care regional application process

Release date: Aug. 13, 2024

IMPORTANT: New and renewal applications must be submitted to application@hsncfl.org by Monday, September 9, 2024, at 5 p.m. Organizations that are potentially interested in applying for funding are encouraged to email application@hsncfl.org for updates.

An introductory overview for prospective and new applicants as well as three RFA information and Q&A sessions will be held virtually. Information on meeting dates and times and a link to join are posted below. Note: An RFA information and Q&A session is required for new and expansion applications and strongly encouraged for renewals.

Posted here you will find links to the regional Request for Funding Application (RFA) for new and renewal projects, as well as the supporting documentation — including the approved timeline. If you have any questions, please email application@hsncfl.org. This regional application process is a key part of the collaborative submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the FY 2024-2025 Continuum of Care program competition, which opened July 31, 2024. HUD’s competition will close at 8 p.m. Eastern time October 30, 2024, for FY 2024 funds and 8 p.m. Eastern time August 29, 2025, for FY 2025. The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida is the collaborative applicant for the Continuum of Care FL-507 (incorporating the counties of Orange, Osceola and Seminole). You may return to this page at a later date to view the completed regional application as well as a list of the projects that were accepted and their ranking. More information on the HUD CoC Program competition can be found on the HUD Exchange website.

2024-2025 CoC FL 507 RFA

Attachment A — Regional Application

Regional Application Instructions

Attachment B — Steps in Review, Ranking and Selection

Attachment C — Activities Eligible and Prioritized for Funding

Attachment D — Selected CoC FL-507 Policies and Priorities

Attachment E — Requirements for Adopting a Housing-First Approach to Operations

Attachment F — Housing Navigation and Housing Stability Case Management Scope of Work

Attachment G — HMIS-Related Requirements

Attachment H — 2024/2025 CoC HUD NOFA Process Timeline

Attachment I — List of Attachments Required for Application Submission

Attachment J — Scoring Summary and Scorecard

Section 12 Project Budget Table

Amounts CoC FL-507 May Request From HUD

Introductory Overview and RFA Information and Q&A Session meeting times:
At the scheduled time, please join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/j/92200833932?pwd=UzJDRldiU0QzQTN5RE1FRW5POW4zZz09 or call +1-929-205-6099. Meeting ID: 922 0083 3932. Password: 4078930133

  • Thursday, Aug. 15, 3:30-5 p.m. Introduction to HUD’s CoC & Homeless Assistance Grants

  • Friday, Aug. 16, 9-10:30 a.m.RFA Information Session and Q&A

  • Monday, Aug. 19, 9-10:30 a.m. — RFA Information Session and Q&A

  • Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2-3:30 p.m.RFA Information Session and Q&A

Homeless Services Network, Central Florida Commission on Homelessness request pre-applications from interested parties to operate low-barrier shelters

Release date: July 1, 2024

Submissions due to application@hsncfl.org by Friday, July 19, 2024, 5 p.m.

The Central Florida region is facing one of the most challenging housing market crises in the nation. Increasingly, residents cannot afford their rent, and the region has not been able to add emergency shelter/overnight sleeping options for people who find themselves experiencing homelessness.  As a result, more and more people, including those experiencing homelessness for the first time, are finding themselves without shelter.

CFCH and HSN are requesting pre-applications from nonprofit and units of local government interested in operating low barrier shelters if the opportunity arises. We are specifically requesting responses from agencies that already operate programs and would be willing to lower their barriers with adequate support. Additionally, we are interested in pre-applications from agencies that do not currently operate a shelter, or do not operate a low-barrier shelter, but who would be interested in operating a low-barrier shelter if a location was identified.  Application submission date is 7/19/2024.

Pre-application Workshops will be held: Tuesday, July 2, at 3:30 p.m. OR Wednesday, July 10, at 4 p.m.

Important: Please identify the date you intend to join the workshop.

Click here for the pre-application.

Housing First assessment tool

Homeless Services Network issues Request for Proposals for Evaluation and Revision of Commonly Used Assessment Tool (VI-SPDAT)

Release Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Completed Submissions Due to application@hsncfl.org by Monday, July 15, 2024, 5:00 p.m.

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida (HSN) is seeking proposals from higher-education-associated contractors to oversee and lead the revision of its common assessment tool, the VI-SPDAT, used to prioritize individuals experiencing homelessness for supportive housing opportunities. The contractor will will also evaluate the effectiveness of the revised tool in addressing demographic disparities.

Funding is available for a part-time student research assistant (up to 20 hours/week) to support a faculty lead investigator (unpaid) from August 2024 to May 2025. Please click below for more information.

Request for proposals

Homeless Services Network issues Request for Applications for Street Outreach and Day Services

Release Date: Friday, May 9, 2024

Completed Submissions Due: Monday, June 3, 2024, 5:00 p.m.

In anticipation of several funding opportunities that may become available over the next 36 months for new and renewal Street Outreach or Day Services projects, HSN, as the lead agency for Continuum of Care FL-507, is issuing a request for applications for the following:

  • Street Outreach for all populations or specific subpopulations

  • Day Services

  • Day Services – Intensive Identification Assistance

IMPORTANT: New applicants MUST attend a pre-proposal workshop (in person or virtual). Attendance is optional for previous applicants.

Friday, May 10, at 11 a.m. OR Tuesday, May 14, at 4 p.m.

To receive workshop details please notify HSN of your interest in applying by sending an email to application@hsncfl.org.

HOMELESS SERVICES NETWORK 2024 UNIVERSAL REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS — information about the funding and application

2024 APPLICATION FOR OUTREACH & DAY SERVICES — fillable application form


STREET OUTREACH WORKFLOW — a detailed manual

CORE ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE STREET OUTREACH — best practices from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

Previous funding opportunities (application period closed)

Brighter Days: YHDP Request for Applications (Host Home RFA)

Release Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024

Completed Applications Due: Friday, March 15th 5:00 p.m. EST.

Applications must be emailed to application@hsncfl.org by the deadline.

HSN is issuing this Request for Applications to identify sub-recipients for the new YHDP Host Homes and Other Innovative Housing Strategies project.

Brighter Days Host Homes Application

Brighter Days Host Home RFA

Federal Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension

Federal Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Certification

HMIS Related Requirements

Requirements Related to Housing First Approach

Universal CoC Written Standards

Host Home RFA Presentation

CoC FL-507 YHDP Coordinated Community Plan

FL-507 YHDP RFA Budget Workbook

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida announces fiscal year 2023 CoC local application process

Local Application Deadline: Aug. 21, 2023, at 5 p.m.

Below you will find the local Request for Funding Applications (RFA) for new and renewal projects as well as the supporting documentation, including the approved timeline. If you have any questions, you can email application@hsncfl.org This local application process is a key part of the collaborative submission to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the FY 2023 Continuum of Care program competition, which opened on July 5, 2023. HUD’s competition will close on September 28, 2023. Homeless Services Network of Central Florida is the collaborative applicant for the Continuum of Care FL-507 (incorporating the counties of Orange, Osceola and Seminole). You may return to this page at a later date to view the completed regional application along with a list of the projects that were accepted and their ranking. More information on the HUD CoC Program Competition can be found on the HUD Exchange website. Applications must be emailed to application@hsncfl.org by 5 p.m. on August 21.

Request for Funding ApplicationsNote: Corrected version posted 8/2/2023

Attachment A — Application

Section 12 — Project Budget Table

InstructionsNote: Corrected version posted 8/2/2023

Attachment A-1 — Applicant and Project Performance Measurement Using HMIS and Other Administrative Data Sources

Attachment B — Steps in the Review, Ranking and Selection of Projects for Inclusion in the 2023 Submission to HUD

Attachment C — Activities Eligible and Prioritized for Funding

Attachment D — Selected Policies and Priorities

Attachment E — Requirements for Adopting a Housing-First Approach to Operations

Attachment F — Scope of Work: Access, Assessment, Navigation and/or Housing Case Management

Attachment G — HMIS-Related Requirements

Attachment H — NOFO Process Timeline

Attachment I — List of Attachments to the Application

Attachment J — Scoring and Rating Criteria (updated 8/4 to include threshold criteria)

Not sure if this opportunity would be helpful for your organization? It may be useful to view this presentation.

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida issues request for proposals for Permanent Supportive Housing services

Release date: April 4, 2023. Application due date: May 5, 2023.

In its capacity as the lead agency for the Continuum of Care FL-507, HSN expects to have several funding opportunities over the next two years for new, renewed, and expanded Permanent Support Housing (PSH) projects, including:

  • Housing Stability Case Manager (to include intake/assessment and navigation)

  • Employment Services

  • Financial Assistance

HSN will make funding available for projects that use the Housing First philosophy; emphasize rapid exits from homelessness; emphasize stable, permanent housing as a primary goal; and move the Central Florida community closer to making homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.

NOTE: Applicants must attend a pre-proposal workshop. To receive workshop details, please notify HSN of your interest In applying by sending an email to application@hsncfl.org

HSN 2023 Universal RFA Instructions

Attachment A: Universal Application Form PSH

Federal Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension

Federal Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Certification

HMIS Case Management Workflow Tool

HMIS Related Requirements

PSH Budget Template

Requirements Related to Housing First Approach

Universal CoC Written Standards

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida issues request for proposals for Permanent Supportive Housing services

Release date: April 4, 2023. Application due date: May 5, 2023.

In its capacity as the lead agency for the Continuum of Care FL-507, HSN expects to have several funding opportunities over the next two years for new, renewed, and expanded Permanent Support Housing (PSH) projects, including:

  • Housing Stability Case Manager (to include intake/assessment and navigation)

  • Employment Services

  • Financial Assistance

HSN will make funding available for projects that use the Housing First philosophy; emphasize rapid exits from homelessness; emphasize stable, permanent housing as a primary goal; and move the Central Florida community closer to making homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.

NOTE: Applicants must attend a pre-proposal workshop. To receive workshop details, please notify HSN of your interest In applying by sending an email to application@hsncfl.org

HSN 2023 Universal RFA Instructions

Attachment A: Universal Application Form PSH

Federal Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension

Federal Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Certification

HMIS Case Management Workflow Tool

HMIS Related Requirements

PSH Budget Template

Requirements Related to Housing First Approach

Universal CoC Written Standards