Navigator Forms.


Navigator Guide - PSH

PSH Eligibility Verification Guide
Document to help the Navigator understand the definition of Chronic Homelessness and how it must be documented in order to meet HUD's requirements for PSH. Reviews the criteria for chronic homeless status, guidance and standards for documenting homelessness and disabilities, other supporting documents, and frequently asked questions.

PSH Navigation Guide and Checklist

PSH Program Guide
Overview of all PSH programs, eligibility and documents needed. Navigators can use this guide to talk about options for participants based on their eligibility.

Complete at initial intake, have each adult sign, then upload into HMIS.

CoC Program Entry-Intake Form Adult
To be completed with each adult in the household. Once completed, transcribe into HMIS via the Project Entry.

Disability Verification Form
To be completed by a medical practitioner licensed to diagnose and treat the condition causing the disability.

Homeless History Certification Forms
Different certification forms to be completed to verify homeless episodes. Different forms are used by different providers. Each form contains directions for how to use.

Zero Income Certification Form

To be completed by participants who have no income.

CES Referral Guide
How to send referrals in HMIS once Navigator has helped participant get document ready.

Request for CES Eligibility Review

To be completed only for participants who have been assigned navigation by CES and are document-ready.

Warm Handoff Guide

Navigator Guides - RRH Families and Individuals

RRH Program Overview - Guide for Navigators
RRH Program Overview for RRH Navigators to better understand RRH program eligibility.

RRH Program Pamphlet (English) - Handout for Potential Participants
For Potential Participants to educate themselves about the RRH program prior to enrollment

RRH Program Pamphlet (Spanish) - Handout for Potential Participants
For Potential Participants to educate themselves about the RRH program prior to enrollment

Youth Rapid RRH Program Pamphlet (English) - Handout for Potential Participants  
Youth Rapid Program Overview - For Potential Participants to educate themselves about the program prior to enrollment

ROPAL Program Pamphlet (English) - Handout for Potential Participants
For Potential Participants to educate themselves about the ROPAL program prior to enrollment

ROPAL Program Pamphlet (Spanish) - Handout for Potential Participants
For Potential Participants to educate themselves about the ROPAL program prior to enrollment

RRH Navigation Guide and Checklist
Guide for Navigators of steps and items that are required to be completed during the Navigation phase.

Navigation Script
Navigation Script - recommended script to help Navigators explain their role and purpose for outreach

Seminole County RUSH program

Overview and screening tool for HUD’s Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing for households impacted by natural disaster.

Informed Consent to share information in HMIS and engage with service providers

RRH Navigation Case Summary
RRH Navigation Summary is used by Navigators to communicate important information to the participant about the program, as well as to gather helpful info for the future Housing Case Manager.

Category 1 Homeless-Verification
Completed by Navigator to validate homeless status

Zero Income Affidavit
Completed by Navigator to determine the status of income during the record-keeping review

Zero Income Affidavit - Spanish
Completed by Navigator to determine the status of income during the record-keeping review

Self Declaration of Income
To be used as a last resort when obtaining proof of income is not possible after attempts have been made.

Families only - Housing Program Evaluation Consent Form

Guardian acknowledgment form - Family RRH

This form is used to confirm that participants understand the requirement to have a minor child in their custody.

DCF Verification
DCF Verification Form to be completed by a DCF worker to verify that minors are being reunified with parent. For programs serving families.

Request for CES Eligibility Review

To be completed only for participants who have been assigned navigation by CES and are document-ready.

Making Warm Hand Offs
Making a Warm Hand-Off - Org Code

Youth Rapid Navigation Case Summary
Youth Rapid Navigation Summary is used by the Tri-County Navigators to communicate pertinent information to the assigned RRH Housing Stability Case Manager for case planning and referral purposes

Navigation Case note Guide

Shelter Matching Prescreen Tool
Shelter Matching Tool is used for families with minor children (17 and under) who are interested in emergency shelter at Family Promise, Rescue Outreach Mission, Salvation Army and/or Coalition if space becomes available

HMIS Shelter Prioritization Workflow
HMIS Shelter Prioritization Workflow for CES Shelter Providers

RRH Navigation Scope of Work
Rapid Rehousing Navigation Scope of Work