Homeless Services Network Training

Empowering Providers, Staff and Community Members

At HSN, we offer comprehensive training programs designed to enhance knowledge, skills and collaboration within the homeless services sector. Through both live, in-person sessions or convenient online modules, our training covers critical areas on working with people experiencing homelessness and providing supportive housing.

HSN has several ongoing trainings available, including:

  • Homeless Response System Overview

  • Access and Assessment Training

  • Navigation into Supportive Housing

  • Practices in Supportive Housing

  • Housing Operations

  • COC Grants Sub-Recipient Training

  • HMIS (Homeless Management Information System) Training

For detailed descriptions of each HSN training offered, click here.

To download a complete course directory, click here.

How to sign up for training

  • Ideal Audience: This training is required for service providers participating in the coordinated entry system, whether serving as an access point, housing navigator, or supportive housing provider. This includes shelter staff, housing case managers, program managers, street outreach, day services, etc. It is also open to any person who wants to learn more about our community's response to homelessness.

    Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HMIS 101

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for more than six months.

    Access and Assessment

    This session equips workers with best practices on engagement strategies, diversion conversations, and understanding when and how to complete a VI-SPDAT.

    Training Registration Code: Access. Click here to register.

  • Ideal Audience: Any staff member serving as an Access point to the homeless response system, including street outreach, shelter intake workers, drop-in center workers, Hub workers, or any other agency serving people experiencing homelessness.

    Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HMIS 101

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months.

    Practices in Supportive Housing

    This two-part session focuses on best practices for staff that enhance housing stability for participants in our housing programs, as well as needed forms and workflows.

    Housing Operations

    This session covers how supportive housing teams receiving rental assistance from HSN will work with HSN’s housing locator team to help participants find housing.

    Training Registration Code: Housing. Click here to register.

  • Ideal Audience: Outreach, shelter workers or any staff designated to provide targeted navigation to people who have been assessed through the coordinated entry system in our CoC. 

    Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HMIS 101

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months.

    Practices in Supportive Housing

    This two-part session focuses on best practices for staff that enhance housing stability for participants in our housing programs, as well as needed forms and workflows.

    Housing Operations

    This session covers how supportive housing teams receiving rental assistance from HSN will work with HSN’s housing locator team to help participants find housing.

    CoC Subrecipient Grants Training

    This session covers forms and workflows for program administrators contracting with HSN.

    Training Registration Code: Manager. Click here to register.

  • Ideal Audience: RRH/PSH program staff, including case managers, peer support specialists, housing specialists and program managers.  

    Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HMIS 101

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months.

    Access and Assessment

    This session equips workers with best practices on engagement strategies, diversion conversations, and understanding when and how to complete a VI-SPDAT.

    Navigation into Supportive Housing

    This session covers the role of a housing navigator, criteria for supportive housing programs, and how to get someone document-ready for RRH or PSH.

    Training Registration Code: Navigator. Click here to register.

  • Ideal Audience: RRH and PSH teams receiving rental assistance through HSN, including case managers, housing specialists, and program managers.

    Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HMIS 101

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months.

    Training Registration Code: HMIS. Click here to register.

  • Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HMIS 101

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months.

    HMIS Agency Liaison Orientation

    HMIS users that are also program managers, directors or HMIS agency “leads.”

    HMIS Reports 101 & 102

    Database training for all new system users, or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months.

    Training Registration Code: Liaison. Click here to register.

  • Ideal Audience: All new staff system users or returning users that have been out of the system for longer than six months. 

    Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    *Other courses will be added, depending on role

    Training Registration Code: HSN. Click here to register.

  • Homeless Response System Overview

    This session provides a shared understanding of homelessness and how our system is responding to it.

    HSN staff will contact the person requesting training to discuss course options. Other courses will be added, depending on role.

    Training Registration Code: OTHER. Click here to register.

To register a new user for HMIS 101: Please click on the blue “support” button in the lower righthand corner and select “HMIS Training Ticket Form.” Fill out the requested information; then click send.

To register for other onboarding training: Click on your role below to see the recommended training sessions, the code you’ll need to sign up, and the link to register.