Vehicular homelessness — or living in your car

Many Central Florida residents have been forced by rising rents, low pay, illness, injury or job loss to live in their cars. But getting a handle on those numbers is extremely difficult. In the 2025 Point-in-Time Count, being conducted Jan. 28-30, outreach workers will attempt for the first time ever to reach people whose “home” is a car, truck or van. If that’s you — you can help by calling 407-307-1724 and answering a short confidential survey, or you can scan the QR code below to fill out a questionnaire and have an outreach worker call you. Note: Your name, location and answers for this survey will not be made public or released to child-welfare or law-enforcement authorities.

But you will have an opportunity to connect to a drop-in center as well as an intake specialist who can discuss your housing options.

For other helpful resources, go to:

If you’d rather complete the survey on your own, please go to Thank you!